Argentina Red Stag, Blackbuck, Water Buffalo Hunt # 39

Argentina Red Stag, Blackbuck, Water Buffalo Hunt # 39

After doing a bunch of research about 22 years ago, we located and we have since hunted 5 times personally with a WORLD CLASS outfitter/rancher in Argentina. NO AGENCY HAS A BETTER RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS OUTFITTER!! Our over 20 years of friendship with them gives our clients the edge! The outfitter’s ranch is large (approximately 55 square miles, or 37,000 acres) with nearly 2/3 of it being bush on which no cattle are allowed.

In recent years the trophy quality, has improved with each passing year by supplementing the herd. Normally we heard literally hundreds of roars! The noise was incredible and we guessed stag density to exceed 10-20 per square mile. Lately Hunt Nation clients have been declining the 12 and 14 points stags, and holding out for what is often an 18 to 22 point trophy stag. And those clients hunting management stags actually took larger animals than most western elk hunters will shoot this year. Quite literally, from mid-March into mid-April, you may well go from one roaring animal to the next, skirting the many other roaring stags in favor of the deep bellows. One client (one of our NM elk guides!) took a huge 8×7 with his bow at a waterhole blind. Every year the results are virtually the same — except the stags keep averaging larger and larger! And this ranch offers the opportunity to harvest multiple species on each trip.

IN MARCH 2022 Stags were from 16 points to 22 points. AND EVERY SINGLE HUNTER SAW SHOOTER STAGS EVERY TIME THEY WENT HUNTING. We have come to expect those kind of days as being routine at this location. DO NOT SHOOT TOO EARLY IN THE HUNT! EVERY SINGLE HUNTER WE HAVE EVER SENT OVER 18 YEARS HAS EASILY FILLED OUT ON STAG!

Butch took his daughter Christine here in 2023 along with his wife Joan and a good friend Alicia. They were very early in March- too early for the roar, but no broken horns either. But it was harder to hunt when stags were silent; requiring quite a bit of walking and stalking every day.

Here is a quote from David L:
“This was the best hunting trip I have ever been on. The outfit and the hosting was amazing from the time we arrived to leaving. They go out of their way to make everything great from you room; every meal, right to the very end of the adventure. The guides were very friendly, as was the whole staff. Thank you for the trip of a lifetime! I highly recommend this hunt for anyone. I took two giant stags and a very big blackbuck!” David L.

paul h stag

Days are typically one long continuous stalk, with rarely more than 30 minutes going by without seeing a stag. During the prime roar, a good morning hunt might show you 10 to 15 big stags; a slow morning 3 to 6 (not counting the roars you pass on.) The total volume of antlers clients typically see is absolutely beyond belief. Animals during the roar will be seen fighting, screaming, chasing hinds, breeding, walking in front of you, alongside you, and behind you.

At night, you lie in bed listening to stags roaring outside the lodge (ear plugs are nice!). We often heard 3 to 8 stags roaring simultaneously, all within 1,000 yards of us. Butch sat an elevated stand at a waterhole one night, and in the last hour of daylight saw over 300 red deer come in. We walked around with smiles for a week. Clients are blown away by all the animals. Commonly our clients call it the best hunt of their life!

Bowhunting is now legal in this province! We must, however, get you a bow permit in advance. It’s very easy, just tell us you want to do bow, and we coordinate it for you. On his last trip, Butch took a nice 6×6 (a cull!) with a bow. Tim C. on the same March  hunt took a gorgeous 8×8 with his bow. Tim sat in a bow blind on a waterhole. Butch in did spot and stalk with his Matthews bow for his big cull stag. Butch also got the lodge more active in bowhunting, and he even sold his Matthews bow setup to them. And one of our best New Mexico elk outfitters killed a big 8×7 a few years back on this same ranch. What makes this place so special for bowhunting is the fact that you will be into stags almost every time out, and for sure every day. If you blow an opportunity, no worries – another will be along shortly. That is the perfect bowhunt – lots of opportunity, lots of big animals. We think there is a great opportunity here for the bowhunter.

If you like elk or horned game, you must do this hunt – MUST. It is an unforgettable experience. Think about all the elk hunters who hunt years for just one representative bull, spending thousands and thousands of dollars every year, and then realize that here they would turn down more animals in a single day than most of them would see in a lifetime of elk hunting. And the horns on these stags can be huge, despite being free range wild red stags.

HERD CULLING AND NEW GENETICS ARE PUSHING UP THE AVERAGE SIZE EVERY YEAR. A patient hunter should take a large 7×7 or a really big 6×6 around 300-320, with some much bigger (remember these are free range!), and you normally will have multiple opportunities. Hunt Nation founders Butch and Joan Manasse have passed up as many as 15 to 18 stags in a single day. One client with us had just hunted in New Zealand. He took a better stag in Argentina, saw more animals, and stated that his stag would have cost him double the price in New Zealand! And the hunting has improved since then. This tremendous stag population ensures a quality hunt and an experience impossible to forget. And the price is less than a decent elk hunt!

LODGING: The lodge has 7 double rooms and 2 single rooms. They can accommodate up to 16 guests at the ranch (including non-hunting observers). They have 8 hunting guides. If they get a group of more than 8 hunters, they will hunt 2×1. Otherwise, with up to 8 hunters, they hunt 1×1. Rooms are double occupancy with private baths. Laundry is done daily. Meals are among the finest meals we have ever eaten in any camp. There is an endless supply of excellent Argentine wine, fine beef and beer available.

Paul H Black Buck

THE TYPICAL HUNT: A typical day starts about 6:30 with a breakfast, and then a drive of 15 to 25 minutes to your own section of this vast ranch. Return around noon for a huge BBQ luncheon (called an “asado”) and socialize with the owner and his family. Than a siesta (or else take a shotgun and walk for pigeons and doves). At 4:00PM off to the woods and hunt to dark (8PM). If you want a genuine free ranging wild boar, then after another sumptuous meal they will put you out into a “High Hide” (an elevated 20’ high enclosed blind) and you will use the moonlight to shoot your boar. Boars can be absolutely huge, are nocturnal, wary, but plentiful. You can even add on a day or two for a dove hunt, about an hour away. ANY PACKAGE CAN BE ARRANGED, FOR ANY NUMBER OF DAYS, FOR ANY NUMBER OF ANIMALS.

“Just wanted to give you some very positive feedback on my recent trip to Argentina. It was an awesome trip! I can’t tell you how much fun we had. Everything went as it should have from the flights to Buenos Aires to all the camp staff, and my guide. We worked hard and I ended up shooting a 7×7 trophy red stag, as well as a very good management stag 6×5. I would definitely go back! Thank you for assisting us and all the questions we had prior to the hunt. It was a hunt of a lifetime!” – Mark

“Butch, Thanks for setting me up on a great red stag hunt! There were only three other hunters there with me and they were Americans. One of the guys had been there 8 times and another had been there 6 times before. They had hunted all over the world and had hunted red stag in New Zealand and they said that this Argentina operation has the best free ranging red stag hunting in the world. I was done hunting in 1 1/2 days. I killed a 7-point unicorn cull (had broken off the right antler flush/into the skull) on the first afternoon, and killed a big 15 point the next morning. I’ve never seen so many trophy animals in all of my hunts combined!!! The accommodations were great and the food was unbelievable. I had to leave early or I would have gained 100 lbs., plus I was weakening on not shooting any more animals like a blackbuck or boar! The outfit and all the people were absolutely great. When I left on Friday morning, the other three guys were still hunting. When I left, they had killed a 15-point almost identical to mine, a 16-point with shorter main beams, a cull stag and a really nice blackbuck. I did a quick rough score on my stag and it should be between SCI 310 and SCI 320. I’ve attached some pictures. Best regards,” – Tom S


“Argentina hunt was great. Very good people to be around. We both killed two stags and I killed a blackbuck. Would recommend hunt to anyone. Very easy hunt for anyone. Keep in touch on good ideas on hunting. Thanks Butch.” – Jim

“I’ve probably been on 75 outfitted hunts in my time, and this would rank in the top 5. Accommodations are top-rate, and finding stags in the shooter class is a daily event; probably 4-6 per day. Here’s mine, which is nice but not different from the other 13 taken in our hunt with 11 folks. The terrain reminds me of Tanzania, with scrub brush broken up by sections of forest and fields. Perfect for stalking. All free range.” – Jon B.

“Butch, Jay and I had a great time and successful hunt. We both feel we sure got our money’s worth. You have this hunt accurately described and it went off like clockwork. The meet, greet, transfers, and tours in Buenos Aires were on the spot. Arriving in camp to be coddled and fed by the hostess is certainly a treat. She and her staff were gracious hosts who went out of their way to please. The guides were more than competent and the stags proved to be a fun fair chase experience and I am very pleased with my stag. Regards”, – Howard

The stag, the boar, the buffalo and the blackbuck are all free ranging. Some exotics (axis, fallow) are fenced. The blackbuck and the dangerous Asian water buffalo are free ranging, although you may well see them in pastures as that is preferred habitat. However, the buff go wherever they want! We would try to hunt them in the woods for the best adventure. Incidentally, the water buffalo is a very real adversary. We saw one soak up nine .416 Magnum hits like they it was a sand dune! Charges are a real possibility and we suggest nothing less than a .375 Mag. They have those to rent.

A few years ago, Joan and the other hunters with us took three gold medal fallows, an axis, 4 blackbucks and a 2,100-pound water buffalo in just a few days. The 16-year old son of one of our clients took 7 animals in 6 days, including an 8×7 stag. A couple of our clients were the first to try archery, taking stag and puma. The roar is usually mid-March into mid-April. THIS HUNT BOOKS UP EVERY YEAR, SO WE URGE YOU TO BOOK EARLY. However, we can often get small groups in as late as a month or two before the hunt starts. One of our recent clients told Butch that on a scale of 1 to 10, this hunt is an 11, maybe a 12!

Those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere know that our prime fall hunts are just starting in September. But if you want to hunt in the Southern Hemisphere, their seasons are reversed, and their fall is actually during our spring – our June is their December. So, to catch roaring stags, you want to hunt in March and April. Those are equivalent to our September and October. But they successfully hunt stags right through until the end of July, when they shed their antlers, and other species until September. Prime dates for these hunts are being grabbed now, so it’s time to get serious. All of these hunts have extreme success on great animals!

A “management” stag is one that does not have the right genetics or is past his prime. The guide will tell you if it is a management animal. You can take it or keep looking. Be sure the guide agrees it is a management critter! They will be old stags or mature stags such as a 6×4. Butch took a cull stag that was a huge-bodied, battle-scarred 12-year old warrior with massive 5×5 beams. Booking a management stag hunt also offers a great way to introduce a child or a spouse to hunting. If you want to get someone excited about hunting, this will do it. They will see dozens of big racks. Note that you are free to decline any stag if you want something better. You may also add additional animals to the package, such as an axis deer, fallow deer and/or water buffalo. Bowhunters can sit waterholes, blinds or spot and stalk, with many stalks daily. Most clients, even if picky, will kill their stag in 2 days.

It is totally free range hunting, although there is a high perimeter fence along the front highway to keep out poachers and to avoid animal/vehicle collisions. Otherwise, the few interior fences are cattle fences, generally about 3’ to 4’ high, and stags routinely are able to jump them. Many are down and broken as well. Now, you will also see a few high fences on the ranch, but they surround only the “money” crops to keep game OUT, not IN (surrounding the crops, not the animals – too much crop damage otherwise). But naturally the stags and blackbucks want access to all those many acres of good smelling high-quality crops inside those areas, so you will often see them patrolling outside of those fences, hoping to find a way in to all that wonderful food. A few may even get inside. But realize that the animals are being FENCED OUT, NOT FENCED IN. Same as farmers trying to keep whitetails out of their crops. Some animals find ways into the crop fields, so you may see some “behind fences”, but they are not supposed to be there. The SCI book records the stags from this ranch as being free ranging as well. Almost all stags typically make the SCI record book. Believe us, this is free range and with an incredible stag density.

They have 8 hunting guides, so if they get a group of more than 8 hunters, they will hunt 2×1. Otherwise, with up to 8 hunters, they hunt 1×1.


Both Australia and Argentina offer these huge animals. These are about 25% LARGER THAN CAPE BUFFALO, can reach 2,500 pounds, and can be just as dangerous and hard to stop. While Australian water buffalo often have “sweeper” style horns, the Argentine species may have sweepers, but more often are tighter and arguably more massive.

In addition to the horn differences, there are major price differences, with Argentina buffalo being on average about half the price of the Australian. They make awesome mounts! We have seen where these buff have decided to attack one of the vehicles – awesome damage. On Butch’s last stag hunt here, he had a buff in a wallow in the middle of the trail, and we simply backed off until he decided to mosey away, feeling that trying to push by him was not a good option. While we hunted stag, we would see him around us, adding much excitement to our day, and especially to our walk back to the car as Butch carried only his bow.

You can do a buffalo hunt on its own, but most clients will combine buffalo with stag or other animals. You can do a buffalo-only hunt for 4 days, which is enough time. A three species hunt (buff, stag and blackbuck) will cost you several thousand less than just a straight buffalo hunt in Australia. And transport is much less expensive too. All hunting is spot and stalk on relatively gentle ground.

TWO HINTS: They do have gun rentals if you wish to simplify your travel. The gun platforms and scopes are adequate, but do not go hunting without first sighting them in!!
Guides speak little or no English. Two solutions: buy a Spanish/English dictionary and write out some phrases and answers for guides, or learn some key words. Second choice is most cell phones have an English-to-Spanish translation app, usually free, that will translate, assuming you can call the app up in the woods.. Type your phrase in English and get it back in seconds in Spanish – learn how to access that. Not hard to do. Then just show it to guide or speak it.

First task is to book your international flights, and then about 4 to 5 months before those flights, contact our agent below to arrange for your domestic flights.

There are two major air terminals in Buenos Aires. The International one is called Eziza or EZE. You normally arrive there. The second airport is a domestic airport called Aeroparque Jorge Newberry or AEP. You will fly into EZE, and then cross town and fly out of AEP into Bahia Blanca or Santa Rosa, but Bahia Blanca has more flight options. OR—YOU MAY OPT FOR THE NEW CHARTER SERVICE WHICH FLIES DIRECTLY TO THE RANCH! If flying domestically, you will be met on arrival at the domestic airport and be driven to the ranch. If you will need transport between EZE and AEP there are shuttles and taxis; or you can phone our expediter there. She is very good. Her name is Carina and her email is: ). She can arrange a meet and transport to AEP for you. You normally will want to fly at night into Buenos Aires from the U.S., arriving in the morning. You process through easily if you do not bring a firearm. NOTE THE $160 RECIPROCITY FEE THAT WAS MANDATORY HAS NOW BEEN SUSPENDED, SO NO NEED TO PAY THAT UNLESS YOU STAY LONGER THEN 90 DAYS!

You will then be met at EZE after you collect your luggage and are preparing to exit the terminal. While a few domestic flights go out of EZE, for most you need to go to the domestic airport (AEP) across the city of Buenos Aires to catch your next flight. That domestic flight goes to the regional airport at Bahia Blanca or Santa Rosa. Currently there is a midday flight you can easily take if you arrive at EZE in the morning. Same for your return flight back to Buenos Aires. Bahia Blanca has an early afternoon flight so you can arrive back in BA in time to catch the intl. flight back home, all on the same day.

We can also arrange for extended stays and tours of scenic Buenos Aires, or for an evening tango show or fancy dinner, or both. Wonderful leather goods at a factory prices! We work with an excellent touring service and we can arrange for you to be met at the airport, taken to a 5-star grand old hotel we have stayed at, with a great workout room and pool, excellent cuisine, a wood paneled bar and fine service. Hotels vary in price, but we have a concierge service through the outfitter, who picks you up, transports you to hotel, arranges local transport, takes you to domestic airport next day. Figure a rough $200 for the room, etc. Normally on the way home, this is not an issue. See below for full details on working with Carina, our local agent.

As of 3/21/18: travel details supplied by our outfitter and our concierge service.
1. Are hunters being met now?
Yes, as requested they are met in Buenos Aires International Airport (EZE) by Carina, our guide there. And always the clients are picked up at the Bahia Blanca or Santa Rosa airport at no cost. You can reach Carina via e-mail: Please contact her to arrange transport between airports if it is needed, or hire a taxi or search out a shuttle.
2. Who meets them?
In Buenos Aires it is Carina, and in Bahia Blanca or Santa Rosa it is Juan Carlos, the hunting guide chief.
3. Where exactly in the airports are they met?
In Bahia Blanca or Santa Rosa we meet clients directly outside the exit from baggage claim. In EZE on their arrival, Carina meets them outside the Customs Exit in Terminal A. Look for her by the entrance to McCafe on right side across from Customs exit. On the way back after hunting, if they fly into EZE, then Carina will meet them outside the Baggage Claim for Domestic flights (Terminal C). If they fly back from hunting into AEP, then she meets them outside the Baggage Claim.
4. How do they recognize the party they are to meet? From a sign with hunter’s name.
5. What is the emergency phone number or method of contact if something goes wrong?
Best to call or call or email Hunt Nation for help. But we never have issues on this.
6. What is the cost to our Hunt Nation clients of the transport between EZE and AEP?
Carina quotes prices based on quantity of people and their baggage. Prices are per vehicle, not per person. People can split the cost. Cars take up to 2. Minivan 2 with bows and arrows in cases. 6 passenger van also used. For 1 or 2 hunters with normal baggage about $230 EZE to AEP; Minivan about $250; 6 passengers about $315, but can vary with waiting times and tolls.
7. The flights to Bahia Blanca or Santa Rosa, are they still from AEP?
Yes, with Aerolineas Argentinas airline. Clients must make their own reservations.
8. The flights to Bahia Blanca, are they now from EZE or AEP?
There is a flight that departs at 8:35 am from (EZE) to Bahia Blanca. Hunters that arrive on very early flights can take it. Otherwise they have to change airports and take the connection to Bahia Blanca from the domestic airport (AEP).

TAX: To promote tourism, Argentina exempts foreign tourists from the payment of the accommodation tax (21%). This exemption applies to tourist non-residents in Argentina that pay with credit or debit card or via wire transfer.

• Tourist has to be non-resident in Argentina
• Must present copy of a current Passport with stamp on check-in. Usually allow 6 months leeway before the expiration date of your passport.
• Must pay for accommodation with a credit or debit card (issued abroad) or wire transfer
• The accommodation length cannot be greater than 90 days

To be sure to get the Accommodation Tax Reimbursement, you need to book your day-use hotel in advance (price approx. USD $200 per room from 9 am to 6 pm). Please contact Eric from Melia Recoleta Plaza Reservation Department ( They need your credit card information as a guarantee.

A day of touring, boat rides, horse shows, tango shows, outdoor art exhibits, flea markets, museums – we can arrange any of that. Costs are very modest and door-to-door service is provided. Just ask us.

DOMESTIC FLIGHTS: (HIGHLY SUBJECT TO CHANGE – CHECK!) You CAN CHOOSE TO book your own flights using the link below, instead of using our suggested local agent.. Fly from Buenos Aires Domestic Airport to Bahia Blanca or Santa Rosa. But then you still need transport from the international airport to the domestic airport.
A Bahia Blanca flight leaves early in AM direct from the international airport (EZE), if you arrive early enough.
On the domestic flights you must check in 90 minutes before departing. Baggage allowed is only 15 kg (33 lbs.) on the domestic flights, unless you flew into Argentina with certain international airlines (including Delta), in which case the limit is 23 kg (50 lbs.) in Economy. Regardless of which airline you took to get to Argentina, you should be able to upgrade to Club Class on the domestic flight and get the higher luggage weight limit.

It can take several hours to get to the domestic airport across the city. Importing your own gun can add 2 to 3 hours to the process. Many clients who travel with their guns often prefer to spend the arrival day in the city, rather than risk missing their domestic flight to the hunt area. They then catch the Bahia Blanca (BHI) flights the next day. We can arrange tours and transport through a local travel agent over there.
Because of frequent schedule changes in the domestic airlines flights, and because sometimes there are private charters available outside of the normal domestic flights, your actual number of hunting days will be influenced by your flight schedules. Rest assured, even 3.5 days is PLENTY of time to harvest 2 or 3 trophy animals – truly! But consider extending your stay; it is worth it. OR CONSIDER THE NEW DIRECT TO RANCH CHARTER FLIGHTS.

HUNTING DAYS: The number of hunting days will vary from 3.5 to 4.5 to 6 or more, depending on flight schedules and your choices. You can extend or shorten, consistent with domestic flights. Most clients end up with 4 days hunting, and we remain 100% on stags for hundreds of our clients that we have sent to this wonderful operation.

Guns have become an issue – best bet by far is to rent them. Ask us about that. Otherwise, you don’t need much beyond some lightweight hiking boots (very dry country, normally), sun block, and lightweight shirts and pants in green, tan or camo. A billed hat, some lightweight camo t-shirts, and maybe a lightweight Gore-Tex jacket. And consider bringing gaiters, as grass in wet years can be abnormally high and thick due to summer rains. Good binos in 10-power are a must, and maybe a range finder. That is about it. Bring clothes suitable for a September elk hunt. Expect temperatures in the 50 degree to 80 degree range as normal. Layers that can be removed as the day warms up is the way to go. A small pack to hold them and some water is all you need.

2026 PRICES (all prices in USD and subject to change without notice until deposit received)
Package #1: 1 free range trophy red stag any size, 4 hunting days (5 nights) = $7,100
Package #2: 1 red stag any size, 1 blackbuck, 4 hunting days (5 nights) = $8,700
Package #3: 1 red stag any size, 1 cull/management stag, 4 hunting days (5 nights) = $8,400
Package #4: 1 red stag any size, 1 water buffalo (up to Silver), 1 blackbuck, 4 hunting days (5 nights) = $12,700
Observers/non-hunting: $250/night. Additional hunting days per hunter $475/night.

Observers/non-hunting: $250/night. Additional hunting days per hunter $400/night.


PLEASE NOTE THAT 100% OF THE HUNT COST MUST HAVE BEEN PAID TO HUNT NATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRE-HUNT. DO NOT BRING FINAL PAYMENT WITH YOU! HOWEVER, YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY DIRECTLY TO THE OUTFITTER FOR LICENSE AND EXPORT COSTS, AS OUTLINED BELOW. Your import costs for your trophies will come after the hunt. Those are the costs for dipping, packing and for shipping, etc. Expect approx. $1,500 USD for a single crate with one stag (several trophies can usually be packed into one crate to reduce the cost per trophy).

INCLUDED: Reception at Bahia Blanca or Santa Rosa airport; transfer from said airport to the hunting lodge and back; gourmet meals; complimentary wine and beer; 1×1 guiding; your own room and bath (dbl. occupancy); field preparation of trophies.

NOT INCLUDED: Transport between the international and domestic airports in Buenos Aires; the domestic flight to Bahia Blanca or Santa Rosa and back; lodging and meals in BA before and after the hunt; licenses; vet certificates; fees and taxes (which are set forth in detail below); tips (very important – talk to the other guests when there); use of telephone at the ranch; trophy fees for extra or wounded animals (each wounded animal will be charged at full listed price); gun rentals (FREE FOR HUNT NATION CLIENTS); ammunition; shipping of the trophies to your home port; Argentina’s gun import fee of about $120 if you elect to bring one; and exporting charges as outlined below.


Trophy Red Stag Package; Package 1: $390 (this includes hunting license, veterinary certificate, export fees, tax on trophies and packing).
Package 2: $590 (this includes hunting license, veterinary certificate, export fees, tax on trophies, CITES for the blackbuck and packing).
Package 3: Call for price (this includes hunting license for big game, veterinary certificate, export fees, tax on trophies, CITES for the blackbuck, rifle rental for bird hunting and packing).
Package 4: Call for price (this includes hunting license, veterinary certificate, export fees, tax on trophies, and packing).
Package 5: Call for price (this includes hunting license, veterinary certificate, export fees, tax on trophies, CITES for the blackbuck and packing).


2026 PRICING FOR EXTRA ANIMALS (all prices in USD and subject to change without notice until deposit received)
RED STAG (second stag)
• 301-340 SCI $5,500
• 341-360 SCI $7,000
• 360-380 SCI $9,000
• 380-400 SCI $11,000
• 401-420 SCI $13,500
• 421-440 SCI $16,000
• 441-480 SCI $19,000
• 480+ SCI POR

• Up to and including Silver Medal $4,100
• Gold Medal over 90” $5,900
• 100+ SCI Price on request

• Bronze Medal $2,300
• Silver Medal $3,000
• Gold Medal $4,200
• Bronze Medal $3,100
• Silver Medal $3,800
• Gold Medal/over 213” $4,200
• Up to and including silver medal $2,900
• Gold Medal/over 133” $4,200
PUMA (non-exportable) CALL

We advise against bringing your own gun. It currently requires you to travel to their nearest embassy! Best to use their guns – and they have many good ones. If you insist on bringing your own, we will direct you to your nearest Argentine Embassy. Hopefully you will be able to obtain documentation for weapons and ammunition import into Argentina, as it is onerous. Currently you pay a $120 fee (MUST BE PAID IN PESOS) upon arrival and upon serial number verification. Expect some serious delays too. We strongly urge renting from the lodge.

SPOUSE/CHILD: Bring along a spouse or a child as a non-hunting observer for $250/night for room and board. If you wish to have them harvest one cull stag, there is an additional charge for the cull, PLUS THE REGULAR DAILY ROOM AND BOARD. Guiding on the cull hunt is 2 on 1 with the principal hunter, so you can share the experience. Or they could do a blackbuck. Or they can add on a day of dove hunting. BE AWARE THAT YOU MUST MEET CERTAIN STRINGENT LEGAL REQUIREMENTS TO BRING A MINOR CHILD INTO ARGENTINA! CHECK WITH US!

Rental Gun calibers are 30-06; 300 win mag; 308; 7mm mag and 270, all scoped.

NOTICE: There may be further massive changes to importing your guns into Argentina. Far too complicated a process to describe here. Please talk to us if you insist on bringing your own gun. Talk to us, then consider the rental of a rifle. Saves a lot of waiting time, avoids headaches, and carrying charges/permit fees into Argentina.

Tips and trophy shipments are extra. Trophy shipments back to the U.S. typically run around $1,200-$1,500 for a single stag, while sending 2 stags and a blackbuck might only cost about $1,800, as it’s still just one shipment (albeit heavier).

ADDING ON OF BUENOS AIRES TOURS/HOTELS/SHOWS A rough idea of costs: 5-star hotel = $125 (dbl. occup.); 8- hour tour with boat trip = $95/person; 6-hour tour, no boat = $62.50; tango show/dinner = $140/person; hotel/airport transfers = $240/person; open air musical with horses and barbecue = $90/person. We have a local travel agent to arrange any package you wish and make suggestions for you.

The pictures herein SHOW ACTUAL STAGS OUR CLIENTS TOOK ON THIS HUNT. However, anyone hunting free range stags, whether in Argentina or New Zealand, must realize that free range stags will not normally attain the giant sizes of those expensive and specially-fed and specially-bred high fence estate stags that can be hunted in New Zealand or in Argentina. So do not compare wild free range stags with the high fence animals you regularly see in New Zealand pictures. The same can be said about elk. But these Argentine free range stags are very impressive stags indeed, as the pictures show.

WE HAVE HUNTED BOTH ARGENTINA AND NEW ZEALAND and we can personally attest to the fact that sizes are identical in both countries ON FREE RANGE STAGS. That is apples compared to apples. A careful check of the record books of SCI also verifies virtually no size difference on free ranging red stags in NZ or Argentina. However, dollar wise, Argentina is the bargain both in terms of airfares and hunt costs. And the caring staff of these Argentina ranches will absolutely make your trip a delight. Argentina is a unique and wonderful experience, and success to date has been 100%. NOTE: We do have one New Zealand operator (NZ #248) who is about $500 higher on his free range stags, but he does take some big ones into the 330 to 360 class. It is a 3-day hunt. We love both countries and hunt both countries and have taken wonderful outfitters in both countries, but the bargains are in Argentina and the travel is much shorter.

You should also be aware that stag horns differ greatly from elk horns, in size, mass and length. Red stags do NOT attain their scores from long beams and long points. Most stag racks (including the top 20 in the book) will run about 34”-40” in length (whereas elk will attain 50” to 60”), but usually stags have a ton of mass and lots of points. Twelve- to 20-point stags are relatively common, if you remain patient. High fence stags can have 30 or more points. That is how they get those big scores. You will normally be seeing mature stags hourly, and will continually be seeing horns most of the time you are hunting, and that is way too much fun! Just be realistic in your goals and you will love Argentina. Now, if you want a true giant (something over 360 SCI), then you really should hunt the high fence areas, either in Argentina or in New Zealand. We can arrange those for you. That said, what do you look for in a large stag and where do you go?

For those of you wanting giant estate stags, both Argentina and New Zealand have great ones, with the edge on giant stags (meaning over 500 class) going to New Zealand at the moment (but Argentina is coming on strong and is less expensive.) We toured two of New Zealand’s finest outfitters and realized that pictures can really give wrong impressions on size! We too saw those New Zealand pictures with racks that seem to dwarf the hunters – very misleading! In those pictures, the hunters are posed 5 to 10 feet behind the horns!

The reality is while those are huge stags, what you see in pictures is NOT NECESSARILY what you will get! Red stag racks are not like huge elk racks; not even a little bit. The SCI book shows the top book stags range from 450” to 675”, but with typically short beams normal to the species. In fact, almost every estate stag in the top 50 had horn lengths from 31” to 43”! Most book elk will have 53” or longer beams, so stags are much different animals. You need to be aware of this.

Also, be aware that we all know how to take good pictures, meaning up tight on the animal, but placing the hunter well back and behind the critter. Makes the horns dwarf the hunter! So do be aware of these factors. Their high scores come from tons of points and awesome mass, not from great length and spreads. Remember, most big elk are 6x6s, often with 50” to 60” long beams, 50” spreads, etc., while most giant fenced stags are shorter-horned, with extraordinary mass and having 18 to 35 points. All those extra points and all that mass add a lot of score, and price! A lot. One of our clients just shot a 600 class and spent almost $70,000 to do it.

Our heartfelt advice is to look at our pictures (remember, we pose them too) as a general guide, and then just go out, have fun, hunt hard and be picky. YOU WILL SEE LOTS OF ANIMALS. DO NOT SHOOT EARLY. WAIT AND GET A FEEL FOR POTENTIAL.

Many of our clients shoot on either the first or second day, then kick themselves as they see bigger animals come in over the following days. It happens repeatedly. Of course, you can also pass on something you should have shot. There are tons of animals here – no need to fear not going home with a good stag. Be picky, and enjoy what you are seeing. It is a spectacle. Videotaping the fights and the roaring is a great way to memorialize your trip. Have fun!

