California Tule Elk, Blacktails and Hogs #182

California Tule Elk, Blacktails and Hogs #182

deer36-e1482963251182-225x300 There’s a select group of hunters who have as one of their lifetime goals the wish to collect all of the deer species native to North America. To succeed in achieving the “deer slam” (Rocky Mountain Mule Deer, Desert Mule Deer, Sitka Black-Tail Deer, Columbia Black-Tail, Whitetail and the Coues White-Tail) or the slam of all North American game, you will need the Columbia Black-tail. The Columbia Black-tail is the least known of the various deer species. It’s found mainly along the coastal areas of California.

The black-tail deer can be distinguished from a mule deer by their tail, metatarsal glands, overall coloration, face and antlers. A black-tail’s tail is nearly as long as a mule deer’s, but is much wider, which makes it larger in comparison to the body. It is solid black on top except for a slight white fringe near the bottom and the underside is white.

The underside tail hairs are not erectile, and the tail is not used for signaling as it is by whitetails. The summer coat is similar to that of a mule deer, but the winter coat is redder, or a cedar brown. The black-tail’s face is noticeably shorter and darker than a mule deer’s, and the ears are smaller. The antlers are small, compact and relatively stout for their length, as befits a deer living in thick forest. Blacktails from drier, more open California habitat tends to have longer, wider antlers. Columbia black-tails often have only three to four points per side (including brow tines – meaning a 3x 3 western count), like their Sitka black-tail cousins. However, they have five per side more often than the Sitka, but less often than the mule deer. In terms of size, they are much smaller then the Rocky Mountain mulie and Desert mulie.

In terms of racks here are the SCI book standards:

Gold: (rifle) 132 1/8″ Gold (Bow): 118 1/8″
Silver(rifle 116 4/8 Silver (Bow): 108 1/8″
Bronze (rifle 95″ Bronze(Bow): 85″

So you can see that horn sizes are more akin to typical average whitetail sizes, meaning 100” to 120”, although a few much larger have been recorded. There are some areas in California known for producing some very big Columbia’s, but hunting prices in those areas are at premium prices, often well over $5,000 and even more. This hunt, by contrast is much more reasonable. It is more reasonably priced because it is very much a suburban style hunt, taking place in small woodlots and isolated sections of brush, power lines and the like. This is not a wilderness hunt in any sense! You are hunting in and near suburban living areas. Success is very high, usually near 100% even though about 70% of the hunters use a bow! You’ll see lots of deer. Most hunters tag out in less than two days.

Hunts are three days. Hunting is almost all from stands, either ground blinds or tree stands. Shots are usually under 25 yards. Some of the outfitter’s stands are bow only areas, while others are for either weapon. Crossbows are legal.

The outfitter considers any deer up to 20” in spread with good mass to be a mature deer. Points will vary with many 3 x 3 and 4 x 4 racks (counting brow tines). A “trophy deer” is over 20” in width with good mass and points. The outfitter has a couple of trophy ranches where deer run larger, but pricing is also quite a big higher. It is also possible to sometimes combine deer with turkey and especially with hog hunting. He takes some huge hogs.

We consider this primarily to be a hunt to get the Columbia specie of deer, rather than a pure trophy hunt. Some trophy deer are harvested, but be reasonable in your expectations. These are smallish-horned animals as a specie. Most representative bucks will have spreads under 20” and counting eye guards will be 3 x 3’s. If you take a trophy over 20-inches there will be an up charge commensurate with size, possibly as much as $2,000 for a big trophy. Witness the SCI rankings of Silver and Gold. But, here is a chance to take a Columbia without mortgaging the old homestead! This unique location for deer and turkey hunting allows you to be hunting after a short drive from Oakland airport.

Deer over 20” will have a surcharge. Because he has extensive trail cameras set up, you will know which deer to expect before the hunt and can discuss any possible extra charges in advance! That should avoid surprises you don’t want. Again, expect deer in the 100 to 120 range.

(Guiding only, no meals or lodging) Three day hunts.

Columbia Black-tail Hunts:
Blacktail Hunts


Hog Hunts:
Bow or Rifle $900. It is possible to add these to a deer or elk hunt.
Dates: Hogs-All Year – 2 day hunts

Turkey Hunts

Exotics Hunts
Exotic Hunts Bow/Rifle $600.00
Dates: All Year

Coyote: $300.00
Bobcat: $1,200.00
1/2 Day Squirrel: $200.00
1/2 Day Quail: $200.00
1/2 Day Dove: $250.00


TULE ELK HUNTS: We get one to four or more of these PRIVATE LAND TAGS AND HUNTS each year with this outfitter and his contacts.

They sell out in the first few hours that we offer them usually!! If you want to be on the list in advance, we require a refundable $1500 deposit and we sell the tags in the order that deposits are received. Success has been 100% on 5 x 5 or better bulls. Most bulls are very large for Tule Elk- in the 290-to 310-inch range and larger. Boone and Crockett is 285 net points for book. RARE OPPORTUNITY! Call for full details. Generally fly in to San Luis Obispo or San Jose or Oakland for free pickup. Hunts are normally in the Paso Robles area or at other nearby ranch locales.

Tule Elk are the hardest elk to secure, living only in California. Chances to hunt them are extremely limited- indeed almost non-existent some say. But if you want the North American Slam or the Elk Slam, or just plain want a free range Tule, here is your chance. Most Tule hunts, if you can find a tag, sell in the $22,000 to $28,000 range, with a few auction hunts going even higher.

California Trophy Tule Elk Hunts
Private Land Trophy Tule Elk Hunt
Private Land Management Tag and Guide

Bulls are plentiful on this 12,000 acre private ranch. This hunt is conducted via a Private land permit issued to you by the Landowner. They get three tags, but normally only sell one or two hunts a year. A bull of 320 was taken on this hunt a couple years ago, and our client scored in the first two days in 2013. The client shot the largest of seven bulls he saw (a 9X5). Bulls average 290- to 320-inches. We STRONGLY URGE that you be there for the opening day. The bulls fight constantly and break off many points and even beams. The outfitter scouts and locates the best bulls prior to the hunt. Guiding is 1 x 1. Terrain is rolling with oak brush, barley and alfalfa. Shots average 200 yards. Arrive a day early, spot some bulls from the ranch where you will stay and hunt the next day. Over the last few years, every hunter has killed in the first day! There are so many bulls and they are so aggressive, that you can pass up a bull, then come back two hours later and find he is all broken up!

That is why the pre-scouting is so important AND IT IS WHY BEING THERE THE FIRST DAY IS IMPORTANT. NOTE: Hogs can be added on, deer too.

Fly into Oakland a day early. They will pick you up and transport you to the ranch. You will see bulls right from the ranch windows. Only $22,750! A once in a lifetime opportunity! Rifle or Bow.


Hi Butch,
I had a great hunt and the bull is in the salt. Josh was super. The ranch was great. Food was superb and friendly people. Saw a total of 7 bulls and shot the biggest one. Had great fun and I am very pleased.
Jim Scull

Our second client Ron M. — Also took a great massive Tule (9X5) on his hunt. Picture is above.:

Call us @ 307-637-5495