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Wyoming Elk Hunt # 55

ABout this Adventure

This outfitter has a couple of things going for him. He does exceptionally well for his moose and elk hunters and the area he hunts is a guaranteed draw for tags. A bonus is his area typically has left-over bull tags after the draw. This is important because clients that don’t get drawn or forget to apply for Wyoming elk hunts, can still get a tag. Other positives include the fact that Wyoming elk hunting success is among the highest in the West, excluding the nearly-impossible-to-draw State of Arizona. Wyoming has monster bulls due to restricted tags and low quotas. Having the chance to pull left over tags and competent outfitters to take you is a big plus.

This outfitter hunts the Bridger Wilderness Area, which continues to produce some exceptional trophies and supports some of the highest bull/cow ratios in Wyoming. Wolves so far are a non-issue here. This outfit hunts nearly exclusively in the Bridger Wilderness and they have three comfortable base camps plus some high wilderness spike camps. One base camp is a drive to location on a lake with cabins. From there, it’s a horseback ride to one of the remote camps.  A second camp is their Wilderness Base Camp about 3½ horse hours from the trailhead in the Bridger Wilderness. Hunt elk, mule deer and moose during the early season until the snow gets too deep. This camp is located between two elk migration routes.  Late season hunting can be outstanding if the weather cooperates. The third camp is about an hour and a half ride to the lake shore, where you have comfortable two-man wall tents, a cook tent and hot showers and is especially good for late-season hunts.

If you apply for a General Elk license (good for Area 97 and many other areas) as a non-resident you should be 100% draw with 2 preference points if you apply at the Regular price level. If you apply for a General Elk license at the Special Price level – with a single preference point, you also are 100% draw. The General elk license is good for the first 15 days in October. If you apply for the Limited Quota Area 97 license the season runs much longer- Sept 20-Oct 31st. If you apply for the Area 97 limited quota license with 2 preference points you should see near 100% license drawing success. If you apply at the Special level, the one preference points should have you at 100% draw or close. Usually the archery season runs from September 1 – 19. Rifle season in Area 97 for Type 1 limited draw hunts are normally from September 20 through October 31, and cow elk season is November 1 – 20. The general area license is typically good from October 1 to 15.

Although the elk season generally opens September 20, they are still normally bugling into mid-October. So if you want a fully-guided, classic western horseback hunt in a spectacular wilderness area, contact us prior to January 31. But, if you miss that application deadline, we can probably get you a hunt with this operation using left over tags. The outfitter’s bugle hunts and late season hunts can produce sightings of over 75 head a day, depending on weather.

This outfitter we believe has become one of the foremost moose outfitters in the State of Wyoming. The moose population in the areas he hunts (Units 3, 4 and 25) continues to thrive and they are seeing and harvesting some tremendous bulls. They offer both a wilderness horseback hunt and a private land hunt, depending on your specific hunt area drawn and your personal preferences. Their consistently high success rates are testament to the local moose population, hunt areas and their guiding ability.

The wilderness horseback hunts will be conducted from wilderness spike camps, but you will first drive to their base camp. Exactly where you will go depends on the current specific moose activities. The private lands hunt will be conducted from their drive-to base camp, or local motel/lodge, depending on your personal preference and what specific moose activity they have seen.

“Everything excellent. Travis was the best, before, during and after the hunt. Showed excellent knowledge of the animal being hunted. Cabin had lights, shower. Food was excellent. I was well taken care of. Took a great moose. Thanks, Butch” – Ron S.

Licenses for moose are on a Preference Point system and clients have been drawing with 14-16 points. You could draw that coveted license any given year, however, as 25% of the quota is set aside for an random drawing. So you could draw with no points! The outfitter prefers to help you with the license system application.

PRICING (subject to change without notice)
BULL ELK – $7,800 (8 days total, 6 hunting days) ***NEARLY FULL FOR 2018 – CALL NOW***
COW ELK – $4000 (4 days total, 3 hunting days)
SHIRAS MOOSE – $9,500 (7 days total, 5 hunting days)
BLACK BEAR – $4,000 (5 days)
ANTELOPE – $3,400 (4 days)

All hunts are 2×1 guiding. Prices do not include 4% Forest Use Tax. You also must purchase the Elk Feed Ground tag for $12.50 (reimburses cost of winter feeding). Meat processing, taxidermy, travel to outfitter’s camp, hunting license and habitat stamp are not included in the hunt price. Meat and trophy packing to the trailhead is included in the price.

CALL US AT 1-307-637-5495

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