
  • What Is Fair Chase Hunting?

    I came across this article while building our new Trophy Hunt-Nation page on our website.  The new page spotlights Estate style and High Fence hunting opportunities around the world.  Please take a moment to review and consider the points in the following article. Fair Chase By Duane Fronek I see this little phrase come up… Read More »
  • Wyoming #153

    Thank you Butch for your help in placing myself and friend with such a great outfitter. Top 5 of all the hunts that I have been on. Cole is one of the most honest and sincere, hard working person/outfitter that I have met. He and his guides take a great interest in all of the… Read More »
  • South Africa #6

    We had a great time and I would highly recommend it. Our guide was exceptional and very knowledgeable. The food was incredible and everything that we had to eat was wonderful. The lodge was very clean, comfortable, and was situated in a beautiful area. The rooms were not large but the bed was comfortable, clean,… Read More »
  • Argentina #39

    Butch, Thanks for setting me up on a great red stag hunt! I was done hunting in 1 1/2 days. I killed a 7 point unicorn cull (had broken off the right antler flush/into the skull) on the first afternoon and killed a big 15 point the next morning. I’ve never seen so many trophy… Read More »
  • USFWS Approves Elephant Trophy Imports from Zimbabwe and Zambia

    Today the US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) announced that it has made a positive enhancement finding for import of elephant hunting trophies from both Zimbabwe and Zambia for 2016, 2017 and 2018. The announcement was made in Arusha, Tanzania, during the African Wildlife Consultative Forum (AWCF) by FWS Deputy Director Greg Sheehan and Chief… Read More »
  • U.S. Government Orders Expansion Of Sportsmen Access To Federal Lands

    Regardless of your political beliefs, this news is wonderful! And long overdue!!! Hunt-Nation applauds this action by Secretary Zinke. Washington, DC – In a ground-breaking move, U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke issued an order that directs the overseers of millions of acres of Federal lands to come up with plans to expand access for hunters… Read More »
  • Latest Email Scam Redirects Hunt Deposits

    Hunters and hunting operators around the world should be on alert for another email scam that redirects wired hunt deposits. Thieves have managed to hack the email accounts of various operators then monitor their incoming and outgoing emails, studying the contents and stealing email addresses. When they see correspondence regarding deposits to be wired they… Read More »
  • News On African Lion Hunts

    In April 2014, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service imposed a ban on the importation of legally hunted elephants from Zimbabwe. SCI and the National Rifle Association sued to challenge the ban and the case continues in federal court. Then in January 2016, the USF&W Service adopted regulations requiring individual permits for the importation of… Read More »
  • 6 Tips to Make Your Dream Hunting or Fishing Trip a Reality

    I’d dreamed of hunting Africa since I was a boy, and although I expected to get there “one day”, I never thought I could do so before the age of 40. But I did. How? Well, it helps that a plains game safari in Africa is surprisingly affordable, but I still had to save up… Read More »
  • Secretary Zinke Announces Distribution of $1.1 Billion to State Wildlife Agencies

    Date: June 13, 2017 WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke today announced $1.1 billion in annual funding for state wildlife agencies from revenues generated by the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration acts. State-by-state listings of the final Fiscal year 2017 apportionments of Wildlife Restoration Program fund can be found… Read More »
  • Marilyn’s Namibian Leopard

    “Dear Butch, I am writing to let you know that I had the time of my life with Francois, Reino, Matthew, Saar and the entire family and his staff..  From start to finish (and what a finish it was), the entire experience was exactly what I needed at exactly the right time for me.  I… Read More »
  • Kerry C. Scores on Mexico #280

    Fantastic Mulie Kerry, Congratulations! Sibutramine is a serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, which works by affecting brain chemistry. where to buy cialis in south africa Fenfluramine was previously used as a weight loss medicine, both on its own and in combination with phentermine.
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